
Dyslexia - What's the deal?

Dyslexia - What's the deal?

Dyslexia - What's the deal?

Published on: 07 May 2022

Have you seen your child or student struggle to read or make sense of what they are reading? Do they get super frustrated, angry and lash out?

Research from the World Health organisation  shows Dyslexia to effects up to 20

% of the population. That’s 2 in every 10 people!!!


So what is Dyslexia?

"Dyslexia is a {genetically linked} learning disorder that affects your ability to read, spell, write, and speak" WebMD

But it's not as simple as that. Dyslexia causes the brain to process information in a convoluted manner= meaning simply that people with Dyslexia THINK differently.


Is this a bad thing?

Absolutely not! While the struggle with reading etc. is real- dyslexic thinking has huge benefits. Dyslexics are known to be CRITICAL THINKERS; they can see things that typically functioning people may not. They are strategic and good problem solvers. DyslexiaHelp cites 10 key strengths that dyslexics demonstrate which not only make them superhuman but also highly employable! Dyslexic thinkers are great to have in class because they challenge you as a teacher and everyone else to think outside the box- they always have an alternative to the norm. They are parallel thinkers and they broaden any learning through multiple lenses of perception. 


How does Dyslexia affect learning?

Dyslexia can affect the ability to distinguish sounds aurally and visually making reading challenging- this in turn affects comprehension. We have a short course on Dyslexia delving into this in more detail if you want to learn more. As a teacher it is really important to support a student with dyslexia properly- allow them the space to let you know how they learn, talk to them, no matter how young, about what works for them. Every child is different and what works for one student may not for another. 


How does dyslexia affect emotional wellbeing?

If undiagnosed dyslexia can seriously harm a child's self-esteem as they struggle to read while those around them can do so easily.

What tools support Dyslexia?

1. Coloured overlays and reading windows to support the visual processing of large bodies of text.

2. Tailored Programmes to train the brain in managing dyslexic barriers to learning like Toe x Toe (an oldie but a goodie!)

3. Reader Pen to electronically read text from any source

4. Digital Tools like TextHelp which highlight text, break it up into manageable chunks and even has a dictionary with pictures when you hover over any word available in multiple languages (email us for a discount!)

What methods can support dyslexia?

1. Challenge them academically- I hear so many teachers saying "we need to simplify the work because he is dyslexic" which is terrible! An article in The Guardian, UK noted that generally Dyslexics have a higher IQ. They don't need to have work simplified, they need to have work made accessible! 

2. Reassure them. Talk about what dyslexia is, from the moment they are identified. Talk about how it affects reading, writing, listening, and learning. Ensure that they understand how their brain works differently to typically functioning children and support their self-esteem by providing scaffolding.

3. Celebrate! Celebrate the benefits and many advantages of being dyslexic.


This post is a brief overview of Dyslexia and how it can affect people. It doesn't just look at the challenges caused by Dyslexia - we look at the many advantages of Dyslexia. If you know or have experienced dyslexia leave a comment or ask a question. If you want to learn more about Dyslexia and how to support it, check out our Course on Dyslexia. Most importantly - let’s celebrate difference!

Catherine O’Farrell - Founder Incluzun



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